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Who Am I?

Water is my happy place, my mission is to make it yours too!

I have over 30 years of experience to share with you. I am a Scuba Diving Instructor, a Swim England Tutor, an Open Water Swimming Coach, a Swimming Teacher and first became a lifeguard at the age of 18.

As A Swim England Educator I train the next generation of swimming teachers. I have educated over 2000 teachers, if they all teach 4 hours per week, this is indirectly up to 80,000 children per week that may be influenced by me. 

Why I do what I do…

Unfortunately, the water can sometimes be a scary place, things can change quickly and what starts out as a fun day out can result in tragedy.  I suppose the law of averages states the more you do something, the more likely something going bad is going to happen.

I have experienced the impact drowning can have on family, friends and emergency services. The key question I have always asked myself is could this loss of life have been prevented? What could have been done differently?

I believe drowning can be preventable, if people make informed safe decisions, understand the risks, know how to float and what to do in an emergency.

I have worked with a large number of professional bodies and organisations including the BBC, Swim England, PADI, UK Coaching, Activity Alliance, Sport Structures, CPSU, Level Water, River and Sea Sense

Water Safety Matters looks forward to working with you.

Why Water Safety Matters
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